I did have a short list of vinyl and digital sonic gems to add however I feel the need to bring more attention to a sonic blockbuster just recently released by Tonian Labs , a percussion recording titled Drums & Bells .
This recording has astonishing realistic dynamics and timbre which in my opinion will directly challenge Any past or present percussion recording done in any format offered ,....any so called HI-Res offering ,.any SACD ,.any Blue Ray from any lable and any vinyl recording done past or present by any recording engineer you choose ,.And the real surprise with Drums & Bells it’s entirely done in 44 /16 . The main stream press are strangly silent about this incredible run of the mill standard CD even Steve Hoffman’s site wouldn’t publish my comments on Tonian Labs , What’s going on ? ,.wink wink
Tony Massian the owner and recording engineer of Tonian Records has a collection of recording microphones valued at over 1/4 million dollars which some he modified to capture the realism of his recording of Drums & Bells ,
This would be the best 20 bucks you have ever spent on your system and of course the better the playback components the more realistic it sounds ,.