Room color opinions

Does a color of a room affect the sound? Im thinking of a light colored room making the sound bright compared to a darker room color . What are your opinions on room color . 
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A nicely decorated room will have the same effect on your perception of sound as does a well presented fine dining meal.  In the culinary world, there is an expression that "we eat with our eyes", I believe that also holds true for sound reproduction.
Even in the dark does the brain 🧠 know colors are there, you know, even when you can’t see them with your eyes? 👀 You know, like ESP. 😳 Let’s take the case of the colored magnets, does the effect go away when you turn out the lights? I think not.
jmcgrogan2 ..I really would love to see pics of your music room with the black paint. Sounds very interesting. 
jmcgrogan2 ..I really would love to see pics of your music room with the black paint. Sounds very interesting.

Well, unfortunately, it does not photograph very well, since all of my equipment is black too, including speakers and turntable.
Internet search "room colors and emotions" and you will find an endless number of articles on the subject.  There's no agreement as to the exact mechanism, but it's a causal link that's been exploited by advertisers, interior designers, institutions (hospitals, schools, etc.) and film makers for decades.  Since anything that can effect your moods and emotions can effect the experience of listening to music, then yes, room colors matter.