Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers with M5-HP crossovers - help needed

I have been happily using a pair of Vandy 2Wq subs with single-ended M5-HP crossovers for a few years now. My system was dialed in the way I like it (bass a bit on the full side, but still tight and defined). I just had my amplifier repaired and upgraded, and the new input impedance is 22k ohms vs. the 10k ohms before the upgrade. I followed the Vandersteen recommendation for the jumper settings in the M5-HP (6 and 7 only, "on" or not open), and the bass is just about MIA altogether. As per the Vandy web site, I disregarded the chart on the case of the M5-HP and followed the chart on the web site.  Because I am an idiot, I didn’t bother to mark down the settings of the jumpers prior to changing them. Anybody have any suggestions for me that will restore the bass? I am pretty sure the issue is the jumper settings. Thanks in advance!
I believe the sticker on M5-HP has settings to accomplish a 100hz crossover point, whereas the settings page for the 2W series subs is for a 80hz crossover point. Correct?
@mr_m@hifiman5   Ah, that makes sense.  The 5 series speakers cross over at 100Hz.  So, I guess for now, I am living in sin.
Bondmanp. No. you're not living in sin. You would make Richard Vandersteen very angry. You wouldn't like him when he's

@mr_m - Yup, I’ve heard. But every time I’ve interacted with him, both by phone and in person (about half a dozen times), he has been nothing but pleasant and patient.

I left the screws off the chassis of the M5-HPs, so when I have the time, I will play around with the 10k setting for 80Hz.