looking for a new pre/amp or integrated amp

I am new here, and this is my first post.  I am looking for either a pre/amp or integrated amp, specifically for listening to music.  Here is what I'd like the solution to have:
  • Ethernet jack (for connecting to my home computer to play music files of CD's I've ripped)
  • 2 channel (this is not going to be a surround sound setup)
  • Wifi (I'd like to play Spotify)
  • XLR inputs (for the CD/DVD/Blu ray player) - I'm not sure this is critical, as I think optical digital might be just as good.
  • 90-140Watts 
  • Phono input
  • Price range: $1000-2000
Does anyone have any suggestions?  I've looked at Yamaha, Anthem, Marantz, and Parasound, but I haven't found anything that checks all these boxes.  Thank you!  Doug
I have not seen any integrated amplifier that has an Ethernet input except for the Auralic Polaris which does not have XLR inputs and is outside your budget .  It is mostly streaming devices that use Ethernet.

 Once you move your computer closer to your system why not use the USB output from the computer to the amplifier. Any integrated with a built in DAC will have that option. The Parasound Halo integrated checks off all of your boxes that way,  but no Ethernet. They are regularly listed for less than $2K used. Good luck!
The only integrated amp that I am aware of that does everything you need is the Anthem str and it is way out of your budget.
A friend told me that to put the amp and computer on the same network through a wired connection, I should use ethernet.  Joey54....are you saying I can accomplish the same task with USB?