@tzh21y, the table is exactly what I was hoping for and expecting. All the platitudes from other users are validated. This was a large jump up for me in tables and is my last. I retire in July.
The biggest improvements are simply providing gravity to the presentation without altering the tonality of my carts. Piano is richer. The macro level presentation has more weight. Bass is better controlled. Micro details are a bit more noticable. I'm now getting cymbol shimmer that I've heard on better setups but never could urge from my prior table. I attribute this to both super speed control and a much more solid platform.
From a usage perspective I now have an easy way to swap cartridges. One negative, I miss the ability to use my Qup arm lift. There simply isn't an available flat spot on the plinth to place it. I now have to be attentive and deal with the end of the side. I do most of my listening just before bed and I've been awaken by the Qup clicking and lifting the arm more than once. Oh well, I can live with that. I've also grown to really like the looks.
I'm using the stock RCA and power cords for now. I have an upgraded phono cable on order and I'll probably up the PC as well. My supplier claims a better PC does make a difference with the table and he isn't trying to sell me anything. The phono cable upgrade is fully warranted. Anyone else upgrade the PC and note a difference?