looking for a new pre/amp or integrated amp

I am new here, and this is my first post.  I am looking for either a pre/amp or integrated amp, specifically for listening to music.  Here is what I'd like the solution to have:
  • Ethernet jack (for connecting to my home computer to play music files of CD's I've ripped)
  • 2 channel (this is not going to be a surround sound setup)
  • Wifi (I'd like to play Spotify)
  • XLR inputs (for the CD/DVD/Blu ray player) - I'm not sure this is critical, as I think optical digital might be just as good.
  • 90-140Watts 
  • Phono input
  • Price range: $1000-2000
Does anyone have any suggestions?  I've looked at Yamaha, Anthem, Marantz, and Parasound, but I haven't found anything that checks all these boxes.  Thank you!  Doug
Bluesound Powernode2 has a 60 wpc amplifier built in and should most of the requirements except for the output wattage.
The USB (connectivity) is a much more versatile option.
Also, regarding the sound quality using Ethernet vs. WiFi, I suspect it will depend on the configuration of the home and relative distance between the router/modem and the end devices, but in my experience with Bluesound Node2 and in a two story 4000 square feet home, I could hear no difference between the hardwire and over the air.  A slow internet speed will affect both configurations. Needless to say, ymmv.