Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Wow, those radiators are definitely beat up and one looks like the surround is probably not connected at all on one side.  Not surprised nobody wants these. 
I just noticed those radiators too.  I suppose someone actually looking to buy would have looked with a keener eye than I did, in passing.
Meanwhile, there is a pair of CS2.4s for sale, $1900, seller rates them 9/10. I kinda wish I had bought something like this and sent the crossovers to Rob Gillum for a full cap upgrade. This would probably result in SQ on par with anything new up to $20K or, even, $30K.
Beetlemania is right that the ClarityCaps were only used in the coax feed for the 2.4SEs.  Jim and Gary and others performed extensive listening tests to isolate those 2 tweeter caps as the most critical improvements, and I am not second-guessing their business decision. That driver is significant in not having an electrical crossover for the tweeter, which is the most critical driver for cap quality. So, two feed caps effectively handled the midrange and tweeter. However, I am suggesting that further although more subtle improvements will surface when feeding the woofer with higher-performance caps . I am testing that prediction with my PowerPoints and may then modify my CS2.2s as the experiment dictates. 

Prof, passive parts upgrade improvements are hard to describe without sounding cliché. You will hear them in terms of naturalness, ease, fluidity, three-dimensionality and such qualitative adjectives. The improvements relate to dielectric absorption and are therefore in the time domain and result in slight smear and sonic residue.  I have performed such upgrades in speakers, amps and preamps, but not yet on my own well-known speakers in my own well-known system. 

I should add that the most obvious crossover upgrade I can remember is when we identified a need and found great copper in the development of the 03 in the late 1970s. There was no going back from that discovery. All coils and internal wire have been six nines, long crystal, etc. since then. We were the industry wire pioneers as far as I know. 

Thank You- guys for providing  this insightful information that can benefit

the rest of us. I like reading about potential mods and upgrades to our speakers' cross-over networks. Very cool indeed.

Happy Listening!