The 2Ce and 3A use sealed enclosures (I think the Treo has a downward firing port). From Tom Norton's 3A review in stereophile:
A cutaway photo reveals four drivers and three separate sub-enclosures—the bottom of which is the largest, for the rear-facing 10" driver that Vandersteen refers to as an "Active Acoustic Coupler." It is, as the name implies, actively driven [though it shares some of the characteristics of a passive radiator—Ed.]. Since the AAC is designed to cover primarily the range below 35Hz, I would be inclined to call it an integral subwoofer; but perhaps Vandersteen chose to give it another designation to distinguish it from the company's dedicated, outboard subwoofers.I think the crossover is designed as a 3-way, so not sure how this thing works - and I ran 2Ce Sig IIs for 10 years! Maybe the filter for the woofer has a sub-network for the AAC?