Upgrade for Totem Mani 2

I bought a wonderful Pass Labs 30.5 which currently drives my Totem Mani 2, which are quite difficult and not very sensitive speakers. I would like to upgrade the speakers to get something more efficient that can be better driven by the 30w of Pass Labs. Based on your experience, you can always recommend me to stand up for a small/medium sized room.
Thanks and good music.
What is your price range?  Type of music listened to most often?  Keep in mind it's not always efficiency of a speaker. It's how they work wiht said amp.  That Pass amp is plenty powerful to rock some top good speakers.  It's mostly class A if I recall right?  It's also got a ton of current and that's more important that watt's.

I have a friend who owns Vandersteen Treo's CT and also owns your same amp with matching Pass amp and loves them together.  He listens to a lot of rock and he listen's loudly.  I ran my Treo's using an NAD integrated amp that isn't nearly as high current at your amp for a couple of weeks and the sound was pretty darn awesome.  I didn't expect that as I have a large room.

Having had several different Totem speakers, though not Mani 2, I would suggest taking a listen to Dyaudio. Similar to Totem but better to me. Totems I had could get a tad harsh sounding with certain recordings. No issue with my Dyns. Plus your Pass amp will pair very well with Dyns. My current speakers are Dynaudio Contour C20. Knowing the Mani 2 has great lows I don't think you'll miss much of that from the C20.