slaw ...
Read the following :
Slaw, here was your first question in the thread. It appears on page one:
- @oregonpapa ,
- Now.. what I need is an evaluation of the "blue" fuses w/wo this new coating. Is anyone up for this?
Here's my answer on page 2:
I tried the SR Black and the SR Blue fuses without the "Total Contact," and with it. With it was clearly the better option. Like the other applications to power cords and IC's for example, the results are the same type of improvement in SQ. So go ahead ... paste the end caps of your fuses and you'll get an improvement there also.
Another one of your statements:
- @perfectpathech
- Perhaps you should have chosen jafreeman as your Beta Tester?
How was I supposed to take that, slaw?
- Your question: If very little is needed to treat a system, why isn't it available in a smaller quantity? Maybe this would alleviate some concerns.
My answer: You're getting 1.5ml ... enough to do a large system plus video. Save the rest or share with a friend.
What "concerns" would you like to alleviate?
- Your answer: The shelf life of a new/unknown product.
- Overbuying a brand new product that isn't refundable. It seemed like a valid question, don't know why it would be tested.
Why what would be tested, shaw?
- Your statement: If I was the manufacturer. of TC, ...I'd have grave concerns regarding my initial product roll-out, VIA this, (way).
Have you found any negative statements in the initial "roll out" post on page one?
- Again, you said: In spite of how this product was rolled out to us, I always had interest in it.
Again ... read the initial post on page one. Find the negatives. Thanks ...
- See.... Now I'm being dismissed again.
How are you being "dismissed again?" No one is "dissing" you. All of your questions have been answered in a positive manner. What you are reading into the answers is beyond me.
And finally, your last statement:
- If as a BETA tester, (whatever that entails in a (business sense) includes a commission, YES, I think that has a bearing on the entire discussion here. I don't "have a negative attitude", if it is a clearly stated objective/benefit of the BETA tester. I'm sorry if this kind of transparency may offend you.
- I was "on the hook" . You're GUY , cut the hook!
Uh-huh? What? For the third time ... there are NO commissions involved. And I'm not offended ... but you seem to be in a perpetual uptightedness situation. What's troubling you, shaw?
<Sheesh!> man, let it go ... buy the product when you're able and enjoy the results.