Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier

Any comments on the New Ayre AX-5 Integrated Amplifier? I know its list price is $10,000. Does anyone have any impressions on this unit that was recently released?
That it is.  Teh only reason I may be selling is to upgrade to the new Vandersteen mono blocks.  This is still, to my ears, the integrated to beat under 20k.  
Make sure to get an in-home trial with the Vandy amps before you part with your AX-5! Pretty short list, IMO, of amps (including separates) better than the AX-5.
I love my AX-5 Twenty.  It’s still not fully broken in and continues to improve even with 150 hours of use.  


did you sell the Accuphase and Luxman for the Ayre?

Happy Listening!