Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofers with M5-HP crossovers - help needed

I have been happily using a pair of Vandy 2Wq subs with single-ended M5-HP crossovers for a few years now. My system was dialed in the way I like it (bass a bit on the full side, but still tight and defined). I just had my amplifier repaired and upgraded, and the new input impedance is 22k ohms vs. the 10k ohms before the upgrade. I followed the Vandersteen recommendation for the jumper settings in the M5-HP (6 and 7 only, "on" or not open), and the bass is just about MIA altogether. As per the Vandy web site, I disregarded the chart on the case of the M5-HP and followed the chart on the web site.  Because I am an idiot, I didn’t bother to mark down the settings of the jumpers prior to changing them. Anybody have any suggestions for me that will restore the bass? I am pretty sure the issue is the jumper settings. Thanks in advance!
@mr_m , 
We aren't putting words in you mouth/text in your post.
We just recognize Mr. V's personality.

@audioconnection I am starting to lose it. Tried 80Hz settings recommended, 1 up and 1 down, and I get no sound out of 2Wqs. Upped efficiency control to 85 dB, no difference. Burned a CD of Vandertones, but my amp did NOT like being touched by multimeter pins.... triggered protection circuit repeatedly.

I set the M5-HPs back to the 20k settings and will try letting them and the amp burn in for a while.

FYI, I took the M5=HPs and 2Wqs out of the chain altogether and got much better low end from my speakers run full range. I really miss what the 2Wqs used to do. :-/
You mentioned dialing back one the efficiency knob back to 85db. Shouldn't you be going up to 86, 89, or 90db to produce more output from the 2Wq? That's what I did to mine to increase bass output. If I'm wrong, I have then set my sub incorrectly.