Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health

The King of Electric Guitar this week, Eric Clapton, announced to the news media that he is just about completely deaf from severe tinnitus and is suffering nerve damage to his hands that will in just a matter of time compromise his ability to play. When Clapton goes it will be the end of the Rock era as we know it.

Years ago, B.B.King was asked at a press conference who he thought was the greatest rock guitarist of all time, he replied,
"My personal opinion?..."Eric Clapton is the greatest rock and roll guitar player of all time." 1986

irish_tim - Lol.. Love Ian Anderson. Saw him twice. Gotta tell you this. The funniest moment I ever experienced at a concert to date was during the second time I saw Jethro Tull at the Seattle Center Coliseum. Ian just started into a magnificent flute solo, I was standing in front of the stage and about five rows behind me was this goof ball banging on his tambourine. Ian was really pissed. He stops playing and yells in the microphone.." If you don't stop playing that fu&king tambourine I'm going to jump off this stage and rip your fu&king head off ! ". At that moment a guy standing behind Mr. Tambourine man, grabbed it out of his hands and threw it across the Coliseum. The audience applauded and Ian continued his solo. Your probably aware of Ian's' Smoked Salmon business in Ireland that has become a global success.
So so sorry to hear that. He’s certainly my favorite guitar player. Wish him the best...