Room color opinions

Does a color of a room affect the sound? Im thinking of a light colored room making the sound bright compared to a darker room color . What are your opinions on room color . 
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...when one area of the brain that is typically stimulated is then muted, the brain seeks ways to compensate for that change. If you turn out the lights therefore, both hearing and tactile perception can increase....

...So yes, turning out the lights can have an affect on hearing,...


I indicated the same thing, albeit with different words, links to articles, etc.
Uh, better re-read what he said.

“The rate of change or compensation may be different when placing earplugs in your ears to stimulate vision. Both compensatory changes take time to occur. The longer the period of time, the more heightened the change.”

Which, as fate would have it, is what I said, not (rpt not) what you said. Hel-loo! What are the chances that someone can turn out the lights and hear better sound quality immediately or in the subsequent one hour, or the next 12 hours? Zero? If that is even true about “compensatory changes,” which I doubt. Sounds too high falutin’. They know how the brain works. Please! Case closed.
What would you like to see in terms of discussion? You started it. 😬 We’re doin the best we can, boss. 😳
I cant believe this post has gotten so far from the subject

OP, seriously? Please allow a bit of leeway. We are on subject.

What would you like to see in terms of discussion? You started it. 😬 We’re doin the best we can.

In this case I actually agree with @geoffkait . Lets break out the champagne.