Dated but still A rated DACs

Looking to purchase a great sounding used DAC , unless I can obtain equal quality on a new one. Your thoughts?
Mytek Brooklyn DAC+

Absolutely beautiful sound playing Redbook. Multiple filters to choose from to dial in your sound preference.

In the future, if you ever decide to play DSD or MQA it will handle that as well.

Also adds a better-than-decent phono preamp, line input, and great headphone amp. Can plug it into a power amp directly, and have your choice of analog/digital for volume control.

Just under $2200 brand new, it’s a steal. Stereophile A rating, and their digital component of the year award 2017.

I love mine.

kalali Search for PCM1704 and the DACs that use them.

Kalali has given great advice if RedBook pcm is you priority, search here on this massive list of just about every dac or cdp made for ones which use the PCM1704 or even the PCM1702 converters, and with hdcd as well if you can get it.

Cheers George
I'd try a used Metrum Hex DAC or used Bel Canto DAC 3.7 or 3.5 but only the VB models with the Virtual Battery Supply.  Both have gotten reviews that put them on the level of much more expensive DACs.  I had the DAC3 VB in my system for a bit, and it was extremely good.  

I consider Mytek's fairly new, and very good sounding.

Theta's always sound good too. An underrated performer, the Casanova, goes up to 96kHz/24, and does sound much better on hi-res than Redbook.