Best preamp for my Krell FPB 600

I was wondering what the best preamp would be for my Krell FPB 600 amp. Right now i have a Mark Levinson 38s preamp. Ive been told that it is not a good match for my Krell amp and for my Krell KPS20i cd player. Should i be looking into a Krell preamp for a match? If so what Krell preamp ? Dont need a phone stage btw. My system right now consists of the Krell FPB 600, Mark Levinson 38s , Krell KPS20i cd, Rega Saturn R cd , Krell BAFs ( bass alignment filters) B&W Matrix 800, Straightwire Crescendo speaker cable and interconnects. 
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"   Ive been told that it is not a good match for my Krell amp and for my Krell KPS20i cd player "

does it sound good to you ?    if it does, then why worry about what you have been told ?
addyson815  To me it sounds great and love the Mark Levinson 38s with my Krell fpb600. But when someone says that it is not a good match im wondering what i am missing if anything. You know what i mean? 
I hear ya but if it sounds good, then I would just leave it.       

were you told that this combo doesnt sound good in a forum or in general talk with someone ?             if in a forum, maybe that person tried it and to them they didnt like the sound of it....but there are also other parts of the system that could have been the issue ( cables, source, room , etc...).             If it was a person that you know, maybe invite them over to listen ?