Quad vs. Martin Logan?

How does Quad and Martin Logan compare? How about other Electrostat manufactures Innersound, Magnepan etc?

I have heard great things about Quad and the company seems to have a great tradition. Did Quad create Electrostat technology? I have no dealer close to me (far, far away) and I would like to have some feedback so that I might plan an audition when traveling soon.

Thanks for sharing your time!
I read somewhere years ago that electrostatic speaker technology was invented in the 1930s. I even remember seeing a reprint of an article from a trade journal from around 1935 showing and describing the system.
Martin Logan has improved the integration of the woofer over the years, the newer MLs defintely sound more coherent than the pre-'i' models (although still not as integrated as non-hybrids, I will agree.) A good installer can dial in a current high end ML setup for your room and make it sound excellent, and it has a better radiation pattern overall than some of the other 'stats I've heard.
If you are considering Quads, then you must have the space and budget, (and lack of WAF issues ;) ) and if so, they do sound very good in the right system / room.
All electrostats have serious setup issues, from the mating of amps to room placement and backwave issues, and getting the right tonal balance vis a vis sufficient bass for some of them. Consider your room and budget and which components you are willing to replace (amp being the primary target.) Pick the right speaker given the above considerations, I don't think there is a single speaker that will be better in every room / system / budget.
Electrostats really have that victorian look to them - plus the open voltage. It's ALliiive...
Though I admire Maggies, once my ear latched onto the "stretched tight plastic film midbass" sound, it's been hard to overlook it. But some listeners find that sound attractive (drum head like tightness, maybe) and enjoy it. No moving coil system sounds anything close to that, no matter its size or price. So IMO, the taunt tympanic diaphragm is creating its own sound. Again, Maggies are deserving of their admiration (I tip my hat to their excellent American made innovative heritage) but that one weakness keeps me from enjoying them. Their ribbon tweeter is superb.
For my part, and based upon the Electrostatic speakers that I have operated over the years, I would, personally, place them in the following order of fidelity.

A. Martin Logan CLX (with and without Descenti's to taste), Sound Lab A-1/U2, Quad ESL 57.

B. Quad ESL 2905/2812, KingSound King III.

C. Quad ESL 63.

I retain the ML CLX Aniversary/Descenti combo and a couple of pairs of ESL 57's.