Comparing Bel Canto and Schiit DACs

I've just picked up a brand new Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby). The company only gives you 15 days for in-home trial before you lose the opportunity to return it. As it's not quite broken in yet, does anybody know how it may compare to for instance a similarly priced used Bel Canto DAC 2.7 once broken in?

I’ve just picked up a brand new Schiit Gungnir Multibit (Gumby). The company only gives you 15 days for in-home trial before you lose the opportunity to return it. As it’s not quite broken in yet, does anybody know how it may compare to for instance a similarly priced used Bel Canto DAC 2.7 once broken in?

OP, 15 days is plenty of time for the evaluation. Despite what others may have you believe, it doesn’t need days on end of break-end. Don’t just take my word for it, ask Schiit.

I’ve can attest to the high quality of the Bel Canto DACs, I’ve had the e.One 2.5 DAC for 4-5 years now.

You can get the 2.5 now, used, for under $1000, an incredible deal for the price. Also has PreAmp capabilities and Multiple Ins/outs. The only drawback is the synchronous USB 24/96 digital in. I just use a USB/SPDIF converter anyway.

The newer e.One 2.7 DAC is better still, with a new power supply, Asynchronous USB 24/192 in, Headphone amp doubles in power. Newer clocks I believe. Used ones are $1400. Great value

i love the Schitt products, never had their DACs, i have the Lyra 2, etc
I've not heard the Shiit DAC, but I've had both the Bel Canto DAC3 and the DAC3 VB in my system.  What I can tell you is that the VBS (virtual battery supply) makes a HUGE improvement in sound and that its performance is incredible -- read the reviews (or the DAC3.5 or 3.7 VB).  If you go Bel Canto, do it with a model with the VBS.  No brainer. 
Thanks everybody. I think for now I'll keep the Schiit. I haven't really given it a fair chance in 15 days, and I can always sell it down the road if it lets me down. Bel Canto seems like a good move to make if it comes to that.
andbaron -
I didn’t respond to your initial post because I’ve no experience with the Bel Canto DAC. But seeing as you decided to go with the Gungnir, I thought I’d comment. I’ve had a Gungnir for a couple of years now. Initially, it sounded a bit dark and closed in. It did take a good while (a month? listening 3-5 hrs per day) to open up. The MB upgrade wasn’t even offered when I purchased it as B-stock from Audio Advisor. Prior to the upgrade I’d say it was very competent but somewhat "dry" sounding...nothing really "magical" about the sound with it in the system. Not that huge a step up from a much less expensive MF V-DAC. After the upgrade however, it was like a different and much better piece. Big gains in detail retrieval, imaging, and especially "tone". It has contributed to a more engaging and enjoyable listening experience. No doubt there are better DACs out there, but I’m not feeling any inclination to replace it.