Best Vintage Speakers?

I'm a big high value vintage guy. Technology is good, but considering the recent comeback of tube amps, I'm wondering if anybody has any experience buying older speakers. What have you bought that rivals or surpasses newer models for a fraction of their new cost?
moderate to smaller size american classics include/ar 2, epi 100, the large advent, klipsh heresy, jbl 4312, 4412 alison 4, dynaco 25 several early snell and boston acoustic designs.....they all still sound great
With out going older than the 70's models:

Snell Type A's
ADS 2030's
KEF 107's

Each of these could more than hold their own today IMO.

I agree with Muralman1, the Apogees are spectacular buys now that there are digital amps that can easily drive them with little heat. Replacement ribbons are also available should you ever need it. I can't wait to go home and listen to my pair of rebuilt Scintillas (from about 1986) tonight. They are as good as anything that I have ever heard.
I bought a pair of KEF Reference 104/2s that I run in biwired mode. Everything below 80 Hz is handed off to a Velodyne HGS-15. The transition from KEF to Velodyne is seamless. I've heard lots of high-end speakers, and I'm happy with this combination. It projects a large sound stage with excellent imaging, openness, and transparency. Total cost was a bit under $2 K.

I agree 100% with S23chang..

I have a reworked pair of Tannoys 15" HPD that I will NEVER part with.
I continue to build my system around them...

Interesting thread...