Biamping with very different amps

I'm considering biamping the HF/MF units of KEF Reference 107/2s with a pair of Cary CAD 572SE monoblocks and the LF with a pair of Parasound JC 1 monoblocks.  Does that seem a crazy idea?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
n any event, though, the KUBE would probably make that a moot point, while leaving the other issues I cited unresolved.
If a Kube is used then it would drive the (lowest gain) poweramp and also the Schiit, which drives the (highest gain) poweramp, then the main volume control duties are up to the active preamp.

Cheers George
Hi George,

The KUBE would allow the gains of the two amps to be matched without using a separate passive volume control. See section 3.6 of the following document:

Best regards,
-- Al
Hi Al, not on the Kube I once had used, looks like the op’s one is different and has high and low gain controls, if so and he has the range to match the amps, then yes no need to use a Schiit passive then. If not get the Schiit is only $49. That way he can also do it without the Kube in, as it’s full of opamps TL071/2 from memory, and they sound very soso in the mids and highs.

Cheers George

The 107/2 KUBE has both HF and LF level controls.  I've tried the 107/2s with and without the KUBE, and prefer their sound with the KUBE.  As I understand it, the 107 and 107/2 KUBEs differ substantially.  The 107/2s remain among the best sounding speakers I've heard, and driven by the JC 1s do a credible simulation of the sound I hear at pipe organ recitals and jazz clubs.  I've abandoned the crazy idea.
