Sonic performance: This tweak is amazing, the earth moved and the heavens opened up and my million dollar system suddenly sounds one hundred thousand times better with this mere $299.95 tweak.
Technical Discussion: How can hemorrhoid cream possibly help you get better sound? Why does audiophile hemorrhoid cream cost so much more than regular hemorrhoid cream? Where do you apply it? Did your wife try it and does she like it too? (If the wife likes it then it’s solid technology - bona fide! In a technical discussion if the wife’s gives her thumbs up then it is like a knock out in boxing.)
Technical Discussion: How can hemorrhoid cream possibly help you get better sound? Why does audiophile hemorrhoid cream cost so much more than regular hemorrhoid cream? Where do you apply it? Did your wife try it and does she like it too? (If the wife likes it then it’s solid technology - bona fide! In a technical discussion if the wife’s gives her thumbs up then it is like a knock out in boxing.)