Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
From your circuit box to your wall outlet, you have cheap 16-18ga or thinner, depending on your builder , electrician,
how does connecting a 8 ga of wire from already 200ft or whatever the run is, make it sound more powerful, or put the biggest stretch I have ever heard, the air around instruments?......really :)

snake oil, if you have a nice 220 dedicated, with 10-12ga runs to your outlets, it may make a difference, but I doubt it. 

Enjoy. The music. 
" From your circuit box to your wall outlet, you have cheap 16-18ga or thinner, depending on your builder , electrician, "

It is my understanding minimum gauge size is 14 for Romex.
"how does connecting a 8 ga of wire from already 200ft or whatever the run is, make it sound more powerful, or put the biggest stretch I have ever heard, the air around instruments?......really :)"

Try it, you will be surprised.

"if you have a nice 220 dedicated, with 10-12ga runs to your outlets, it may make a difference, but I doubt it."

Oh, it does, I did that when I had a dedicated listening room. I used 10ga. Romex, a bear to work with, but one of the best upgrades I ever did.
@arcticdeph, from my circuit box to my dedicated outlets I used 10 gauge wire.
Damn, you guys don’t mess around!
 Very good idea, expensive, out of my league, but for audio, it is an excellent++ idea.   Wish I had the deep pocket for it. 


i would try to use a power cord, but I can n to justify 200 dollars for a 3 foot piece of rubber, flexible cloth, and a small copper wire in it. 
  I just stick with what the mfgr supplies. 

Still jealous. ;)