Looking for not too expensive Turntable

I want a vintage turntable for a second system with a tube amplifier. I read the Pioneer PL-12 is good sounding without any jitter due to being belt drive. I can actually hear jitter. I owned a direct drive TT and it had jitter. My Garrard 401 did not have any jitter either. Suggestions? Pioneer PL-12 good?

I am eyeballing the Pioneer PLX-1000 (new) as there are some really nice reviews out there. I've seen it as low as $613, but I don't know what your budget is? Upturn Audio has an Orbit Special or Custom for less than the Pioneer that also has my attention.
SP10 is not inexpensive.

Just ot make it clear:
the first SP10 does not have Quartz-locked speed control like all the later made and improved models, such as SP10mkII and SP20 
What's your budget.  Big price difference between a Pioneer PL12 and a Technics SP10 Mk2
Budget is $250 for this secondary system. My main system has a $1500 Garrard 401 in custom plinth with 12" tone arm.