Harbeth comparison?

Hi all,
I’ve been using the Harbeth p3esr for years and enjoy them very much. I have tried the Compact 7s and preferred the boxless sound of the smaller P3. I have been seeing many M30.1s listed at very reasonable prices.
Has anyone compared both of these speakers and if so how do they compare?
I use the P3s in a 20x15x8 size room with a JL sub and Quicksilver 70 watt tube amps.
Thanks much!
If you can swing a used pair of 40.1's, you can sell your sub and get off the speaker merry-go-round.  I use 40.1's in a room of similar size (26' x 14' x 7.5') driven by VAC 30/30 MKIII Signature... or when I want a different flavor, change over to a Music Reference RM9 MKII.  

You should have no problem driving them with your 70 wpc Quicksilver amp... although others insist upon driving Harbeth's with stout solid state amps.  I've tried eight different amps with the 40.1's, including three solid state amps, but the two amps I have now are the best I've heard. 

Yogiboy ,

The Harbeth M30.1 are very nice speakers. They have that Harbeth sound with the fantastic midrange.

 You would get a bigger soundstage with the 30s compared to the P3 and of course more bass. The M30.1 does have the silk dome tweeter , which is different from the P3 and will have a slightly different presentation. Whether you would prefer the 30s over the P3 would be up to you. It is something you would have to try.

It is always best if you could audition for yourself and make the comparison at a local Harbeth dealer. If you do not have a local dealer , than trying a used pair would be you next best option. You probably could turn around and sell a pair of M30.1 for close to what you paid for them.

Thanks for the reply. My plan was to buy a used pair and sell them if I preferred the P3. BTW, I did that with the Compact 7. I have no dealer in my neck of the woods so that will be the route that I will take!