Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo

Hi, I've been very interested in running two subwoofers in stereo (diff. signals to each subwoofer); I've heard many people swear by this setup.

My next room for my system will be 14' x 14' x 18' high ceiling loft living room. My question is, will two DD10 be enough to fill the room with organ music and scare me out of my seat for movie tracks? Should I move up to two DD12s? Money is not really an issue, but I'd like to save wherever I can.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
Two answer your question, I have compared my two ULD-12's running in mono and in stereo. There is a difference. Remember that the left and right channel may have different phasing when picked up by the microphone. The most extereme example would be where the mike picked up the signal 180 degrees out of phase. This would result in no signal when summed to mono, when in fact there is a completely different signal from left to right. When played back the summed mono would have no output while the stereo subs will put out the signal and the listener will hear the bass as picked up by the microphone.
I agree with Mcreyn and some of the other guys. No doubt about it two stereo subs are very easy to discern from a mono sub or two mono subs.Infact once you hear it ..all your questions will be answered.
Dear Spacekadet: Why I already say that you can loose music info. With a pair subs you have stereophonic sound reproduction that is exactly how its happen at the recording event.
Example, let's take a low drum that was recorded at left side of a music hall : if you have a dual mono subs ( left/right separates ) you will hear that drum at the left side on your audio system but if your subs are sum up ( left+right ) you will hear that drum at the center of your audio system.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Possibly the difference between one or two subs is non-quantifiable. I certainly heard a difference when I added a second Vandersteen 2W sub to my system running in stereo. I believe I hear quite well the stereophonic effect of the low frequencies. The room certainly fills with low sound better than with one sub, and there have been no problems with nulls that I'm aware of. Currently I have ten 8" bass drivers operating and simply the presence of the additional drivers makes exceptionally deep frequencies audible. Previously, when I operated two subs (with six 8"drivers total) an incredibly low bass note was not even audible. With the addition of four more drivers it could be sensed.
Dear Douglas: +++++ " . I believe I hear quite well the stereophonic effect of the low frequencies. " +++++

The stereophonic effect: I tottaly agree with you and that issue is all about the use of two sub's instead only one.

Regards and enjoy the music.