Morrow IC's

I just noted that Morrow has a Christmas and New Year's sale right now.  35% off.  I am looking at buying a pair of IC's from them since they have a good Money Back Guarantee and trial period.  No lose situation.

I can't find many reviews from people that have used the Morrow MA 1.1 or MA 2 IC's.  

Anyone have any experience with either of these cables?  Both are in my price range with the discount.  
Hi samzx12,

I'm in Australia. Over here I'd say a standard Saturday City Open Handicappper as opposed to WFA Group level. They are not up to your Breeders Cup level or our Cox Plate level!
You know, it doesn’t matter which cable thread one visits.  The cable brand in question is called everything good and bad under the sun, with it not uncommon to see a smattering of your disgruntled buyer or owner.

This one waited four days past the very generous 60 day trial to try and return them, and we’re all supposed to toss our cables in protest I guess.  

And what cable thread would be complete without your brand switch poster, saying he’s found the nectar of the gods with some other brand.  He either soft sells the other brand, or comes right out and claims this brand makes him do back flips it’s so good.

All that’s missing is a bowl of popcorn!  They say this hobby is dying, with the younger set just not interested, and it’s no wonder.
fsonicsmith.  Your brain needs an enema.  A shill for Morrow?  You are delusional.  I buy one pair of their cables to try them out and suddenly I am a shill?  Are you from Indianapolis?  I see the same kind of delusional thinking there as well.  

If you are too dumb to figure out how to break in the cables per Morrow's recommendation and within a reasonable amount of tie then you have no one to blame but yourself for your allegation that they are a disreputable company.
It is very obvious fsonicsmith is a disgruntled customer who doesn’t represent the Morrow line fairly. His last post definitely makes that obvious calling out will62 for being a shill lol. If a company offers a burn in process you bet your arse I am taking advantage of without putting hours and hours on my equipment and using extra electricity. It’s a no brainer option in my opinion.

inforthemusic thank you for the comparison ;)
Sam.  I had not even heard of Morrow cables a year ago.  I happened to see an ad in Stereophile running this past year and recently decided to give them a try.  Before I pass judgment, I am going to be sure they are burned in correctly and then use then with a variety of CD's and different genre's of music to see how they sound to my ears.