Morrow IC's

I just noted that Morrow has a Christmas and New Year's sale right now.  35% off.  I am looking at buying a pair of IC's from them since they have a good Money Back Guarantee and trial period.  No lose situation.

I can't find many reviews from people that have used the Morrow MA 1.1 or MA 2 IC's.  

Anyone have any experience with either of these cables?  Both are in my price range with the discount.  
It is very obvious fsonicsmith is a disgruntled customer who doesn’t represent the Morrow line fairly. His last post definitely makes that obvious calling out will62 for being a shill lol. If a company offers a burn in process you bet your arse I am taking advantage of without putting hours and hours on my equipment and using extra electricity. It’s a no brainer option in my opinion.

inforthemusic thank you for the comparison ;)
Sam.  I had not even heard of Morrow cables a year ago.  I happened to see an ad in Stereophile running this past year and recently decided to give them a try.  Before I pass judgment, I am going to be sure they are burned in correctly and then use then with a variety of CD's and different genre's of music to see how they sound to my ears.

I've had a few Morrow cables in my rig for a few years and I purchased (using their deal of the day) a new PH5 phono cable arriving today to serve a new turntable.  I like these cables for phono and interconnect usage especially in my rack where flexibility helps. I use more massive power and speaker cables from another company downstream to my amp and speakers where they lay on the floor.  Using Morrow's omnipresent sale offers I think you get a pretty good cable at value pricing.  I don't go beyond their level 5 however as other brands start to beat them at similar or lower pricing.  Just my opinion there.

The break in process is not that big of a deal IMO.  I let them run their course as I enjoy my music.  After awhile I notice the sound isn't changing any more.  My cables from the "other" company as well as some phono cartridges have the same lengthy break in requirement so I don't sweat it. 

I am able to hear the basic characteristics right out of the box.  The sound doesn't really change as much as it clears up and becomes more transparent, which allows the frequency extremes to be more noticeable.  An upgrade should sound like one immediately only to get more refined as it breaks in.  If is doesn't beat your existing cable out of the box you didn't aim high enough IMO, or you already have cables that you like.

That review says it all...

As for the comment by fsonicsmith: "Mr. Morrow told me he no longer cared a wit whether I was satisfied or not, the $600 I had spent was my problem, not his." That is simply not true. I would never say, imply or even think such a thing. We do however hold to the return policy. 60 days is very generous, which begins the day one receives the cables.

Mike Morrow
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