Au contraire, the tone of my last post was intended to put some reality into the guys who were bashing Truthseeker personally without offering one shred of backup other than their own unique "experience". And they still aren't, other than the "magical human ear" theory - which is far less plausible than the "magic human imagination" theory, formerly known as the placebo effect, or the out-of-phase sound effect.
The 65 Hz crossover point was custom chosen for me to match my speakers by Velodyne themselves at LOWER than the stock sub's point. And obviously it's not an infinite slope crossover so my mains are operating well below 65hz. The stock Velodyne DD-18, by the way, has a fixed, built in high-pass at 80hz. But I guess there's people here who know more than the Velodyne engineers.
Quick quiz - Do you know how low 65 hz. actually is? It's the very LOWEST note on a cello or a BASS trombone. Tenor trombone's lowest is 82 hz. The very lowest note written for a human bass voice is the same. Low E on a Guitar is also at about 82hz. Timpani - 87 hz. The very LOWEST note an acoustic double bass or bass tuba can possibly play is about 42 to 44hz. And nearly all the notes played even on double bass or tuba are above 63 hz and up to 300 hz. They're not down there banging the low E in every measure.
So what kind of bass are you all talking about? Exactly what instruments or pieces of music sound so much better in "stereo" bass? Organ and Tuba duets?
The 65 Hz crossover point was custom chosen for me to match my speakers by Velodyne themselves at LOWER than the stock sub's point. And obviously it's not an infinite slope crossover so my mains are operating well below 65hz. The stock Velodyne DD-18, by the way, has a fixed, built in high-pass at 80hz. But I guess there's people here who know more than the Velodyne engineers.
Quick quiz - Do you know how low 65 hz. actually is? It's the very LOWEST note on a cello or a BASS trombone. Tenor trombone's lowest is 82 hz. The very lowest note written for a human bass voice is the same. Low E on a Guitar is also at about 82hz. Timpani - 87 hz. The very LOWEST note an acoustic double bass or bass tuba can possibly play is about 42 to 44hz. And nearly all the notes played even on double bass or tuba are above 63 hz and up to 300 hz. They're not down there banging the low E in every measure.
So what kind of bass are you all talking about? Exactly what instruments or pieces of music sound so much better in "stereo" bass? Organ and Tuba duets?