Quick quiz ..have you ever tried it? Most of the nay sayers are the same people who have never tried stereo subs. Also you've forgotten the Piano goes deep into the 20 Hz range. Oh I forgot the Piano's not a musical instrument either... right? Or you'll give me your theory on why I or anyone else shouldn't be able to detect it's presence in stereo..right.
What if I had 3 bassist in the same recording from left to right. You trying to tell me the stereo subs can't differentiate between the right and left player? Even at the lowest frequency of 41 Hz. I've already tried this using indentical subs. Both subs responded at different times depending on who was playing. Apparently there are recordings with the lowest notes in stereo on some cds.
It's possible to have this in a movie track. Why do you not believe it's possible in some other recordings? I guess some people know more than the engineers of Lexicon and Meridian who have mutliple sub outputs just for such a thing.
Next thing you'll tell me is that bumble bees can't actually fly. Because there's not a shread of evindence that suggests otherwise. Me and 4 billion other folks just imagine seeing them fly ..right.
What if I had 3 bassist in the same recording from left to right. You trying to tell me the stereo subs can't differentiate between the right and left player? Even at the lowest frequency of 41 Hz. I've already tried this using indentical subs. Both subs responded at different times depending on who was playing. Apparently there are recordings with the lowest notes in stereo on some cds.
It's possible to have this in a movie track. Why do you not believe it's possible in some other recordings? I guess some people know more than the engineers of Lexicon and Meridian who have mutliple sub outputs just for such a thing.
Next thing you'll tell me is that bumble bees can't actually fly. Because there's not a shread of evindence that suggests otherwise. Me and 4 billion other folks just imagine seeing them fly ..right.