Need some Speakers with sensitivity >90db

A friend is looking to upgrade his speakers. Budget is in the region of $800-$1400

He would like floor standers, but monitors are OK as well

They must have a sensitivity greater than 90db in order to play nicely with his amp

We tried my 89db speakers last night and they were very good - except when a couple of tracks were played loudly - the bass got a little out of control

With my amp the sound was perfect, so I’m thinking if he tries a speaker with higher sensitivity, it should be a better match.

I’ve taken a look at Tannoy Mercury 4’s, which come in at 93db and there are a couple of Martin Logan bookshelf/monitors at 92 db

Thanks for any suggestions - Steve

Electro Voice JBL Altec at that small price thats what I would buy. One other benefit is if you buy right these brands may increase in value plus they are easy to mod upgrade or repair and sound wonderful and full on low power. 
How about either the JBL 4312's or the 166's?High sensitivity and work well with low power amps! I have both of these and prefer either over present day gear!

Omega is a brand I have been curious about since they seem to get good reviews by people that purchase them. Another brand that has intrigued me is Decware.

Tls49 Luis from Omega is genius, I bought supercone rs8 , True 98db Speakers from Him, they work well with tubes, the moment I completed 150hrs burn in, music wise is head to head to my tekton impact monitor sound quality I prefer the rs8, openness and liveness tekton wins, either one you can’t go wrong...