Why did it take so long

For digital to finally come of age. It seems that we are finally extracting the full potential of digital. Why did it take over thirty years for them to realize it wasn’t the failure of the cd, but the failure to properly recover all the information off it correctly?

I can only agree with freediver. Geoff, you are not providing evidence, just voodoo.

As per usual the “set in their ways” subset ignores all evidence. “If the glove doesn’t fit you must acquit.” A wink is as good as a nod to a blind horse. 😬
I am not in a position to on the latest PS audio digital products, but I do employ Machina Dynamica Promethean Springs (among other MD products), and recently upgraded my Oppo 105 with IEC wire loom (OppoMod) and Linear Power Module (ZeroZone). Those 2 really upped my playback enjoyment

I think the original question posed by the OP,  in itself proves the point that its taken a long time for digital to get on par with a good analog playback. Outside of listening to music live and unless you had a mastering quality reel2reel in your living room, for most of us oldtimers the baseline and the frame of reference for sound quality has always been vinyl sound. So, it is true that it's taken many years for digital to win the competition with analog and in some respects win it. Moving parts always cost more so it'll take a lot more money to build an analog rig that can compare with a digital one in terms of sound quality.

I can only agree with freediver. Geoff, you are not providing evidence, just voodoo.

Nevermind, willemj. It wasn’t really for your ears anyway.
A/D is still a mess, so it's a dog before it even starts to walk through the door.

Nevermind playback.