What other streaming services do you recommend besides Tidal?

Been having quite a few dropout issues with Tidal of late and no it is not my connection.
These were commonplace late last year, seemed to stop but of last few days have returned with a vengeance especially later at night (higher demand/usage I suppose?).
So as $20 a month is no joke for sporadic service and lack lustre customer service I would like to know who uses what other service for hires streaming?
Your experiences, problems if any, quality etc.
I know my Vault shows me at least 15 other options besides Tidal but I really know nothing of them.
Thank you
Well last night went well
Wife watching Netflix in HD
Daughter watching Netflix in HD a different stream
Myself listening to Tidal masters albums
No dropout anywhere anytime
Fingers crossed....
@uberwaltz, Congratulations. It is great news that you have all the above Internet activity going on and there were no signal drops, or related performance issues.

It is very interesting, to me, that we BOTH had similar ISP Cable issues that were greatly impacting our ISP cable server performance and Tidal Streaming.   I had both my outside junction box and downstream amplifier issues and you had your main area distribution hub issues.   

I wonder how many other people are having similar Internet cable issues impacting Tidal like we did.  Streaming audio from Tidal is simple since you just push a button BUT there are several electronic devices behind the scene that might need work AND these issues are not easy to detect.  Signal dropouts and out of range cable signal strength are good indications of these issues.  When having Tidal Streaming issues, I continue to recommend that the first place to look is your IP Cable Service to include all the above parts mentioned above.  

In addition, as I stated above, I suggest you re-boot your cable box (and remove its battery, if needed) and router around once per month.  Unplug these devices for two minutes and re-start.  It seems, that over time, these units need to be cleaned out.  

I tried Tidal, but I listen to a lot of Classical and find it’s interface unusable for that genre.  Apple has an easier interface than Spotify, the other service that I have tried, but they both deep catalogs.  I’m waiting for Quobuz.  
  I also tried a free month of Primephonic for Classical but it has a very limited catalog 
Just for the record, Tidal is CD quality or better on all their music.
Deezer is CD (Flac) on all music.
Spotify, Apple, Pandora, Napster are all MP3

The files you are streaming on Tidal & Deezer are 5-10 times the size of the other services, not to mention that they sound vastly better.