Why did it take so long

For digital to finally come of age. It seems that we are finally extracting the full potential of digital. Why did it take over thirty years for them to realize it wasn’t the failure of the cd, but the failure to properly recover all the information off it correctly?
Steve, have you experimented with putting the SM device between a streamer ( with s built in DAC) and an external DAC? If so, what was the result?

Yes, the Sonos is such a device and widely used.  See these plots:


Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Digital digital does indeed sound better now than at it’s inception but should that be such a surprise?  LP playback improved, and continues to improve, throughout it’s lifetime

Geoffkait: “Really? How did you measure the Silver Rainbow Foil? The Green Pen? Demagnetizer? Just curious.”

To which Steve replied,

“You are not just curious, you want to disprove everything I say here. I’ll respond anyway:

I have the same disk here with and without treatments, including most of these tweaks, but even more important, I have the same disk with the rubberized coating and without. The one that makes the biggest difference. I can easily hear the difference and measure the difference.”

>>>You did an excellent job of avoiding the question. I’m not trying to disprove what you say. Prove and disprove are such strong words, don’t you think? I only presented evidence that digital has not really “arrived” as the OP suggested. By the way, Silver Rainbow Foil and Cream Electret, for example, have nothing whatsoever to do with laser reading of the disc OR jitter. Ditto many of my products, clock, Teleportation, Intelligent Chip, among others. Scattered laser light has everything to do with laser reading of the disc, I.e., data retrieval, so tweaks such as Green Pen, Green tray, CD edge beveler actually address data retrieval.