Can I hook up a DCS Puccini player/preamplifier directly to an ARC GS150 ampilifier?

Do I require an intermediate preamplifier? I am driving impedance-challenged Wilson WattPuppy 7 speakers, and I am a lover of tube amplifiers.

Thanking folks in advance - Gerry
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After looking at the descriptions and specs of the two components I see no reason why they wouldn't work together properly, without a preamplifier. I can't comment, though, on whether inserting any specific preamp into the chain would be likely to improve or degrade the resulting sonics.

You would want to use XLR cables to connect the two components, of course, as the GS150 does not provide RCA inputs, and I'm pretty certain it would not work properly if provided single-ended signals via RCA-to-XLR adapters.

-- Al
I could not locate the post from phusis. However, I do have expensive XLR cables for balanced connections (Transparent brand) if that makes sense. I figure the only way to make this work is by using great connectors between the Puccini player and the GS150 - still to be tested.

Thanks - Gerry
A word of warning. DCS output drivers are not the best in the world. I own a full Vivaldi stack and there is a clear loss of transparency in using its balanced output over the single ended (in both cases into my ARC Ref 40 with identical AQ WEL interconnects)

Secondly see this lengthy discussion of the risks in trying to drive a tube power amp directly from a Rossini

personally if I was you I wouldn’t try this, a good tube pre will sound much better