Newbie needs Streamer Advise

Hi , I am relatively new to digital streaming and Hi Fi too, for that matter . So I have assembled a modest system and wish to replace my old Windows 7 laptop as my source .                                         My system is currently the following . Laptop with a Cardas Clear USB. Musical Fidelity’s M1CDT transport, A Schiit Yiggy , Rogue RP1 preamp , Dennis Had Inspire SEP amp. Zu Omens , Klipsch RF sub , Monster HTS 1600 Power center . All my tubes are high quality NOS and some new production power tubes.  My Interconnects are unbalanced Morrow MA5, CD has a Morrow Digital Coax , speaker cables are Anti - Cables Level 3. Power cables are Silnote Poseidon and an Analysis digital power cord on the Yiggy .                                       The Klipsch sub and the Monster power center are next up to be replaced . I’m running low power (12 wpc ) and the sub is straight into the wall socket . Right now I have no issues with grounding, noise or amp being underpowered .                                So back to streaming . I’m using Tidal and I am happy with their service. I have fast internet . I am however limited to WI FI for my Connection . I’m considering products like an Aurilic Mini or a Bluenode2 . I want to replace the laptop with something that I could control from an IPhone or IPad . I’m also interested in any experience with Amarro or some of the other services. I would like to budget at $1k as it’s a new venture for me .                           So please chime in and don’t forget to DUMMY DOWN your vocabulary for this neophyte.            Respectfully, Mike B. 
I am in a similar situation where I would need to drop an Ethernet line from the second floor to the first where my router is.  I am going to try  "power over Ethernet" because I don't want to limit my choice of a streamer to only a Wi-Fi model.  I am looking at a Lumin T1 or for a more modest price the Lumin D2.  Each has full the full MQA implementation.   
FWIW, I upgraded from a Bifrost Uber to the Yiggy . I looked real hard at the Mytek Brooklyn DAC +. I get pretty decent sound from my laptop . I have a Morrow didital Coax into the Yiggy from the Musical Fidelity’s CD . The computer with Tidal sounds better than the same CD. Just for giggles , I took a toslink and ran the Direct TV box into the DAC . Sounds like crap . I’m in the process of trying to borrow a balanced digital to see if the CD sound improves via balanced . The player just returned from the distrutor after a full service . On a side note suggestion from Matt , I ordered a Richard Gray 600s and an Analysis 4 outlet cable to try and see if my SQ improves . So $1400 vs $110. Also found an REL sub that needs a home . So many choices, not enough money ! Keep it coming , I am budgeted for the streamer . Thanks , Mike B. 
I could be wrong but based on my recent comparison between a $35 streamer and a $500 one, my guess is you need to go way up in the food/price chain in order to get a substantially better sound quality, especially if you already have a really good external DAC. It could very well boil down to the ease of connectivity and the user interface for managing the music content playback. 
Just for giggles , I took a toslink and ran the Direct TV box into the DAC . Sounds like crap .

OP, many reasons why it might "sound like crap" as you put it, but in case you are interested in identifying why.....

.... you may want to consider glass toslink, like this one:

And you may want to check that the correct output (e.g. PCM) is set within your Direct TV box.
Thanks David , that was a thought as I posted the text . Other than cost , does length matter ? I have an Apple TV that I could try that with too . Thanks for the link .