'A type of prejudice not born in evidence' is a very accurate and succinct way of describing how some class D detractors have a knee-jerk response ... there seems to be a small group of class D detractors .. there are so many class D amp listeners and owners ... class D detractors and naysayers are best not considered as a single group but as a collection of smaller groups ... their comments being more biased ... group#3 is definitely the most frustrating since they offer no scientific evidence ... I'm not aware of a single experienced class D user/owner, including myself, who has ever heard any sonic anomalies that they claim exist. I think it's safe to state that any logical person would consider their theory as being thoroughly and completely debunked ... Just the fact that the majority of humans are incapable of perceiving these sonic anomalies but a small minority of the population can indicates an allergic reaction to class D by this minority ... individuals in group#3 can be extremely frustrating and annoying. But perhaps we should be more sympathetic to these poor afflicted souls.It's interesting how some defenders of Class D amps go to such lengths to classify the critics of these amplifiers as a minority, yet then go on to claim that the critics are prejudiced. Hmmm ...