Galibier Stelvio II, Durand Kairos with Lyra Kleos (HEAVEN)

First I want to thank Thom Mackris owner of Galibier designs for his excellent support.

I bought a Stelvio II from him back in November 2017 after numerous phone conversations to familiarize myself and him with my musical reproduction goals. 

It was built and arrived last week with the Durand Kairos tone arm that I acquired after considering numerous other options. I'm so glad I went this route. I had the Lyra Kleos so this was part of the reasoning. They match beautifully.

Buying a Stelvio includes a setup support visit from Thom himself. This by itself is well worth the price of admission.

He arrived Monday for a two day support visit and we wasted no time going over the setup.

I had already assembled the turntable and had my Abis 1.2 with Benz cartridge playing as the secondary arm.
My tuning sounded good to me but after working with Thom I realized I was only on the putting green, a good five yards from the hole.

Move forward to the support and expertise of Mr. Mackris and I am now in the hole and WHAT A DIFFERENCE that makes.

I bought my first turntable around 1976 (a Technics) and evolved through the years to where I am now. Never stopped listening to vinyl and holding up to my records from way back. ( Not all of them due to loss or some actually got stolen but thats a different story).

What I have now is the best by far.
Renditions are detailed, full, airy and most of all fun and enjoyable to listen to.

He got the Durand Kairos - Lyra Kleos combo sounding at its best.

By Tuesday we had the Benz Abis also fine tuned and

I'm listening to some Miles Davis as I write this and can't stop tapping my foot and swinging to the beat.

I highly recommend Thom Mackris service. He will help you set up any brand system so you don't necessarily need to buy one of his awesome turntables to benefit from his expertise.

Just wanted to share my experience with the community and (DISCLAIMER) I am not being compensated in any way except with the satisfaction of an enjoyable music system making it the best I've had in 40 years of evolution.


Luis D. Paret
Keller, TX
Thanks for the detailed report on your new Galibier turntable system. Go ahead and post your system photos so we can see how everything looks?

Curious about how you're handling vibration control with the new rig. What sort of platform/stand are you using with the Galibier?  Are you thinking about any isolation platforms (Herzan, Vibraplane, etc.)? 

It's nice to hear about Galibier, especially since press reviews are quite scarce (as far as I can tell) and yet they look very solid and appealing.
When I buy any expensive audio product, I consider first, and maybe foremost, the person from whom I am buying, both the character and the skill of the guy who runs the company.  That's what you're paying for in the end.  In this case, you made a great choice all around.  Tom gets the highest marks in all categories.
Also congrats on a great setup. Do take the time to get to know the Kairos yourself (despite the great job I'm sure that Thom did in set up). The first time you clumsily knock the arm you'll potentially throw it off its pivot so knowing how to set that (by feel) is important, plus of course mastering the VTA, pivot bar and azimuth is all key -- and they're all really easy adjustments to make.

Finally be careful never to over-tighten the cartridge bolts as the CF material of the arm deforms easily

I'm a big fan of getting the table on some form of active isolation (my EAR DiscMaster sits on a Herzan)

Appreciate all the comments.

It sits on a Adona Signature Series granite shelf.

Good point on the Kairos sitting correctly on the pivot point. Thom worked with me to cover the correct way of mounting it and ensuring it is set properly.

Pictures later.

Thank you,

Luis D. Paret 
Keller, TX
I’m over in Flower Mound and would have paid top dollar (or at least brought a bottle of bourbon) to join that party.