Component Placement

I will have a preamp, two mono amps and a CD player/transporter. Where is the best place to put these and what should I set them upon? I have Magnepan 1.7i’s. Thank you for your consideration and reply.
+1 noromance, and mesch.
If you can run balanced interconnects, then longer distances between the preamp and source are minimized.
Using sound dampeners or isolation under your components would also be a good idea.
My amps are on Sound Anchor Stands. Under each amp are either Herbie's Fat Dots or Stillpoints. Same with Preamp and DAC.
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@elizabeth ,
Though I like having short speaker cables, 6 inches is really too short, for me. I think anything under 4-5 feet is just as good. Also, remember that some amps get mighty hot (think tubes).
With all the money spent on special racks, applications(chassis damping, etc), & various vibration isolation/elimination devices, to shield our amps and/or drain vibrations away from them, it seems totally counterproductive, to place them directly behind full range, dipolar radiators. The .5 to 1M of speaker cable, necessary to position an amp to the side of a Maggie, would be much less detrimental to the system’s sound, than having it boogieing on it’s stand, or the floor. Not to mention the proximity to the Maggie’s magnetic field.

Component Placement


I will have a preamp, two mono amps and a CD player/transporter. Where is the best place to put these and what should I set them upon? I have Magnepan 1.7i’s. Thank you for your consideration and reply.

Not between the speakers, the two mono amps on the floor only, if you value to hear and see the imaging and depth qualities of recordings that have them, if you do put all the gear to the sides or even behind you and have nothing between the speakers and as far back as possible.

If however you love to gaze at glitz of your equipment and the dollars it's cost you while listening to it, stick a mirror on the opposite wall, but don't ruin the image and depth if you value it by putting it on racking and components between the speakers.

Cheers George