Is it possible to have a quiet vinyl records

Hi, I am new to vinyl. I own VPI prime and ortofon quintet black cartridge. For the record cleaning I use record doctor V, brushes and proper sleeves. As much as I am impressed with the sound quality, I am also very disappointed that many records sound bad with very laud background noise. I read some reviews which point out that some turn tables with some cartridges are super quiet, but does it only happen with the best pressed records and most others will still make lots of pops and background noise. It there a a good method to truly enjoy quiet vinyl music or its something I have to get used to. Thank you.
I'm using an Ortofon Winfield/VPI 3D vinyl is as free of noise as my CD's.  Careful setup is mandatory.
I’m using a Manley Chinook phono preamplifier. Virtually dead quiet on mint records. On old records, any clicks or pops are subtle.  In the noise department, I’m happy as a clam. 
Also, I use a brush on each side before playing. I use Onzow Zerodust on the stylus before each side.  Onzow is awesome and inexpensive!!
I have Ifi Iphono2 which is my first phono stage. Does anyone have any experience how it compares with 1-2K phone stages, especially with noise.
Thank you.
@kkonrad,  I can't answer your question as I've never heard it.  But I would think it's fine because Michael Fremer would've mentioned noise if it were in issue.  Now, that said,  I think the phono stage is super important and one of the easier areas to better a system.