Can One Display Their Audio Wares on Audiogon?

I have a small start-up company that produces clear acrylic products for use with vintage JBL ring radiators and ESS AMTs.  Can I show and/or advertise on this site or is that a no no?

I would imagine that with a full disclaimer in your posts, you could discuss the merits of your products. There are many here that do just that.

@toddalin  --     If you need help with placing an ad or have any questions, please contact,  Attention: Tammy
For a textbook example of how to use this site to raise awareness of a niche service see the following thread which remains even keeled without hype or shilling

As as you can see it helps to have a satisfied customer initiate the process
Post removed 
Ok @toddalin. That’s exactly how not to do it. By simply placing an advert including links for direct sale you’re more than likely to have it removed. Who would AudioGon let folks advertise like this when they’re in the business of running a paid for marketplace?