I have a Atma Sphere UV-1 without the Moving Magnet pre-amp section......I need a schematic so I can complete this project.....I don't mind paying a fair price for this schematic.......Let me know    Will
Is the goal to be able to add phono as a source? Rather than operate on the device yourself, see if Atmasphere can do it for you. Or maybe just add an external phono pre-amp?

Would either of those work for you?

In general, though some may be equipped to do so in some cases,  I think it’s not reasonable to expect a vendor to provide info needed to make mods to a device. There is no way for the vendor to assure good results cost effectively.
Why would the vendor care??  I am trying to put in the stock phono circuit, so the pre-amp will be like the factory model.....I don't want to do anything else.....I phono modification is simple, but I would like it like the factory model........I could send it in to Ralph and pay 500.00 or more to have it done, but the UV-1 isn't worth that much , so I was going to do it myself........(I have build , designed, and modified hundreds of these ).....I will get rid of every piece of Atma Sphere equipment I have as soon as I can find a buyer....
just so I understand you have the Atmas pre-amp without a phono section? How is that? That model is supposed to have the phono section based on teh docs online.   Is teh phono section you want to install from Atmasphere or somewhere else?
it appears there is a UV-1 for sale right now with factory phono board.....modification....