HD ready madness

As an early adapter I purchased a Mitsubishi Big Screen that was HD Ready - 1080i with componant imput. You know the story - everything is now HDMI etc. So my question is: does anyone know how to get an upsampled signal from a DVD player in 1080i through component inputs on the TV? Does any DVD player do this? Are there conversion boxes? I've heard there are security issues etc. Help!

I'm so confused I'm probably not even asking this right so please forgive my ignorance. Any help would be appreciated.
Agreed with others, you don't really need it. And you won't be able to find it anyway - the DVD spec forbids players from outputting an upscaled signal using anything other than VGA, DVI, or HDMI. If your TV lacks those inputs, then just spend the money on a next-gen player instead (HD-DVD, Blu-Ray), or save your money for a new display.
HD-DVD discs do currently allow HD-DVD 1080i output over component (but not upsampled dvd, that violates the ict in place on the dvd's). Until the time that they start implementing the ict flags you would have no issue. But you may want to check out the oppo and the older samsung players which would allow you to output 1080i upsampled dvd's over component.
Oh yes friend. Hard to find probably but i own a dvd player that upconverts 1080i thru component video!!!! The model is the Zenith DVB318. There were very few made because of the copyright crap ! They quickly changed it so it could only do it thru dvi or hdmi but this unit is what you want if you can only use component for your hd! Wow what a picture it puts out!!!!! Every bit as good, almost as my toshiba hd dvd player which uses hdmi!!!! If you would like pics let me know!
I have the same issues with my Loewe CRT except that it only accepts a HD signal through the VGA input and not through the componenet (this is by design and stated in the manual) I wanted to get a DVR and started looking at transcoders but they were expensive $400-$600 and most went the other way component source converted to DVI. DVI to HDMI required another box. There was one I found that I could use but it was too pricey $700+.

Google transcoder +DVI +HDMI
