I suspect you know Karl Wallinger and Mike Scott were bandmates in the early days of The Waterboys but the old creative differences bugaboo ensued leading to KW forming his own band: World Party. As far as that WB track being inspiration for KW’s band’s name, this wouldn’t surprise me (he’s credited as co-writer of it). BUT I’ll also point out that "World Party" is used as band name and/or song title and plays an important role at the end of Phillip K. Dick’s 1976 novel, Radio Free Albemuth (Fisherman’s Blues was released 1988). Personally, I suspect THIS is the ultimate source for both track name and KW’s band name. BTW - long time World Party fan myself. WP is one of the very few bands I’m "completist" about (not that their/his output is all that large). I’ll pretty much buy without audition anything KW does. FWIW you might enjoy the ARKEOLOGY collection.