Verastarr-Grand Illusion

Does anyone own or use Verastarr Grand Illusion Speaker cables.
Or ,does anyone have experience with them .
I know that they are all copper, but cannot find a lot of reviews on them.
Thanks for the replies.
I guess i'll find out as i have ordered the Grand Illusion (All copper) speaker cables .
I just hope that they are not too fast and or lean and Sizzley 
I have the Tekton Double Impact speakers
I am currently using Voodoo Audio Reference speaker cables , which is silver coated copper .They are very fast and revealing , great dynamics , but can be a little sizzling in the upper mids. This could be in part , due to  the Rogue ..??
I am also using a Rogue Audio St-100 with 1960s Telefunken ribbed plates. The output tubes are KT120s

Post removed 
McIntosh Mx151 with Lyngdorf Room Correction (the best room correction i have ever heard.) 
I still have PAD HDMI from my JRiver PC to the MX151.
Pad Dominus Fluid on the Mx151 and The Rogue Audio St-100.
Pad Dominus Fluid XLR from MX151 to Rogue.
I sold my Pad Dominus Fluid speaker cables and bought the Tekton Double Impact speakers with the money. I had the Voodoo Audio cables for a while.
They were ok with the Warm 2268 speakers , but they are too hot and sizzly with the Tekton
I picked up a pair of the Verastarr Grand Illusion Sig ICs (silver ribbons) this week, and while I do not have a whole lot of time on them in my system yet, I can tell you that they are fast and dynamic, but they do NOT have that sizzly glare in the upper mids / lower treble, which is also what I have been trying to tame.  I don't feel them to be lean either, but again, I don't have much time with them in my system.