I recently listened at length to my friends Harbeth C7's using a modified Cary
SLM70 (50 watts in triode and 70 watts in pentode). In his moderately sized
rooms with high ceilings this seemed enough tube power to me (in either
mode). They are of the most laid back speakers I've ever listened to, but
really have a nice, detailed midrange that seems very revealing. I liked them
very much overall, but they are a bit too laid back for my preferences. He
also had a Odyssey Stratos (180 watts of SS power). I have heard them with
this amp, but did not do any comparisions this time. Peter claims the sound
excellent with that amp. I've heard it in another (less optimized) room and it
did sound quite good with the extra power, but I have to say the tubes
sounded great in his treated room. I'll refer him to the thread and perhaps he
can chime in with more thorough input as he's had them a while now and has
tried them with several different systems.
SLM70 (50 watts in triode and 70 watts in pentode). In his moderately sized
rooms with high ceilings this seemed enough tube power to me (in either
mode). They are of the most laid back speakers I've ever listened to, but
really have a nice, detailed midrange that seems very revealing. I liked them
very much overall, but they are a bit too laid back for my preferences. He
also had a Odyssey Stratos (180 watts of SS power). I have heard them with
this amp, but did not do any comparisions this time. Peter claims the sound
excellent with that amp. I've heard it in another (less optimized) room and it
did sound quite good with the extra power, but I have to say the tubes
sounded great in his treated room. I'll refer him to the thread and perhaps he
can chime in with more thorough input as he's had them a while now and has
tried them with several different systems.