Try to personally audition any of the suggestions already made - one or more may leave you also suitably impressed. Try to stroll down to an actual bricks and mortar dealer to get some guidance and the ability to actually hear whatever you have on your list - only you can do it.
As far as imaging goes , the Regas , Tannoys, ATC, PMC and a host of many others are every bit as good at a minimum (or frequently better ) compared to both the ARROS And FORESTS .... and in my opinion many are on par or better in imaging and PRaT IF YOU HAVE the best synergy in the rest of the system.
The Totems are fine kit ...sure.... but they just one of many many choices in a very crowded $2000 level arena. The only way you are going to shoehorn Forests in at that price point is buying used.
W/o prejudice to the above, I wouldn't accept any recommendation in these blogs as gospel without an actual personal audition first -- full stop. And I certainly wouldn't just buy any speaker without considering a plan for the rest of the system to get synergy ( or vice versa)
Regrettably the cold hard facts are that forum bloggers push their own heavily biased personal faves that are pure anecdotal value judgements that regrettably have negligible to nil assurance that these blind offerings will actually work in your environment or with your system.
There is some more homework for you to do ..... Good luck.