SS Integrated Amplifier that would sound good with the PSB Synchrony One B

  Sorry about my poor English.
  A couple of weeks ago I bought a brand new (old stock) PSB Synchrony One B speakers.
 Great sound with the Luxman L-590AX that I borrowed from my friend but of course I cannot afford one.
 So far I am using NAD C326 Int.Amp. Standard NAD house sound. Nice dynamics but confused highs.
 Any suggestions on the SS Integrated amplifier. The maximum budget is $4000.00. Listening room is 17'x12'x8'.    Very moderate listening levels. Such a posting already exists (by Djengan). The Rega Elicit-R would be one of the options but i heard from the people who are familiar with the Rega electronics, that particular model lately have issues with the humming transformers. Thank you in advance on your opinions.

Excellent suggestions as above- dames4

I will second the Rega Elicit-R. I will add Anthem 225 integrated or the newer STR integrated.
Happy Listening!
If you can buy used and don't mind an international sale check out this listing:

Obviously a step down the Luxman ladder but should still have their house sound.
Hegel H360, 300 or 160
Any of them will drive your speakers with ease.
I have owned the h300 and presently own the h160.
Very tight solid bass, impressive soundstage, nice fluid highs.
Imho they do very well on piano and acoustic guitar and plenty of "slam" for rock.
Additionally they have good DAC on board so if needed to run digital media through it as well as analog you are covered.
Only one caveat, only the h160 has a headphone jack if that is important to you.

Did not see mention of your sources but none of the Hegel have built in phono stage so that may be a consideration....or not....