Quincy Jones Interview

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Let me be very clear the opinions I was talking about relate to music and his musical experiences. Certainly the Brando comment was unfortunate yes but in terms of his thoughts on the Beatles, MJ, etc those are valid. And perhaps his chain is slipping or at the very least his filter is which can certainly happen with age.
Thanks for clearing that up.  Sure, his opinions are valid inasmuch as they are his, and everyone is entitled to have an opinion and “has a right” to express it no matter how inappropriate it may be under any particular circumstance.  Moreover, and as you say, given his obvious and huge musical talent and huge career his opinions on music do carry a tremendous amount of weight.  But, they are not necessarily valid as far as truth goes.  Here’s the thing for me, and the Brando comment is just one example of many like it in that interview and elsewhere.  How about a couple more?:

He trashes Donald Trump and says he hates him; that he’s an idiot...or something like that.  Yet, he “used to hang out with him”.  Why?  He accuses MJ of stealing a song (or part of the song....or whatever) from DS.  Yet, where was he through all this?  The role of a producer of his stature in a project like that is huge and he has control of practically everything.  If, in fact, MJ was stealing something (he wasn’t, imo) why did he allow it?  I would bet that the particular rhythm or bass line in question came mostly from Q.  Now, all this combined with what is for me almost unbelievable; that he cannot, or won’t, appreciate, at least, the obvious song writing skills of The Beatles.  Or, to not appreciate that even if Hendrix was nervous about playing with jazz musicians that this is only one side of a “coin” that most musicians hold dear and understand very well.  IOW, that most of his “baddest cats” would feel just as out of place and as fish out of water playing with a great rock band like Hendrix’s.  This is stuff that goes to the very fiber of being a musician.  All this, while not diminishing in any way all that I love and respect about so much of his work, throws into question the validity of some of his ”opinions” and comments and what their underlying motivations might be.
I thought it was a great interview.  Quincy is a badass, a musician's musician, and old enough to be out of f**ks to give.