Class D is just Dandy!

I thought it was time we had a pro- Class D thread. There's plenty of threads about comparisons, or detractors of Class D.

That's fine, you don't have to like Class D amps, and if you don't please go participate on one of those threads.

For those of us who are very happy and excited about having musical, capable amps that we can afford to keep on 24/7 and don't require large spaces to put them in, this thread is for you.

Please share your experiences with class D amps!
But again that’s preference. I was mislead by dealer and the internet that led me to believe that Maggie’s required brut power it wasn’t until I decided to let my ears be the judge and bought a class A amp that puts out a whopping 95wpc. I’m not saying class D is bad I’m just saying that for my system and listening preference I went class A.  
What was this 95w linear Class-A amp??

Cheers George
Bel Canto Design REF600M was the Absolute Sound co-amp of the year and second place Stereophile for amp of the year, behind the $99K Boulder. The Bel Canto Black EX amp is even better. 
I just ordered a Cherry amp, from digital amplifier company, arrives in 3 days. My local buddy brought his over for a jam. Another buddy loaned me NCore / hypex 400 monos AND Rowland 525 monos, all in the last month. Lotsa Class D for me lately on audition.

Anyhoo, the modern Class D coming out now are amazing. Lightweight, barely uses juice, runs cool, all that. But the sound! Neutral, effortless dynamics due to the huge power. If you've not heard a higher end D amp in a rig, go try to.

Anyhoo II, I'll post my Cherry thoughts soon I reckon, later this month. I'm sure y'all on edge of seat in anticipations.
Hi scott_w,

Congrats on your soon to arrive DAC amp. You're fortunate you were able to audition 2 different class D amps in your system before you purchased. Typically, you’re required to purchase the amp and then audition it during an in-home trial period. But I suspect companies have a very low % of amps returned through these programs.
You named 2 of the 3 main common sonic qualities I’ve experienced with good class d amps: a very neutral flavoring and effortless dynamics. The other main sonic quality that is typically clearly evident in good examples of class D amps is how quiet they are. Music seems to emerge from a dead silent background that seems to enhance the musical impact and details perceived.
Welcome to the Great Sounding Green Amps Club.
Please post back with your impressions once you’re able to audition for awhile.


I have the PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium HP x2 (monoblock) 96wpc in stereo and 190wpc mono driving 20.7's. using 16 KT150 total. Glorious sound with plenty of head room.
