Amps for Paradigm Persona 3f

Looking for experience of Audiogoners and dealers in good amp matches for Persona 3f.
System in a medium sized, oddly shaped room with very little bass node action. Jazz, pop, geezer rock listened to at moderate volume. If you have any specific experience with Parasound A-21, PrimaLuna Integrateds, (got a Prologue 2), Hegel 80, (also own)-I am especially curious. Realize that’s a few levels below the typical amp mating for this Paradigm model.
Any suggestions, and real world experience are welcome (higher price point suggestions are also good, even expected). Thanks
The best part about the anthem is even alone it’s worth the money.  When you factor in full blown stereo or dual mono bass management and some of the best most versatile room correction on the planet, it’s literally a steal.

Oh, not to mention the fact that it has home theater bypass.  
there was a few things said about amp matching to the Persona line of speakers.. they're very revealing so you're going to want an amp that tilts on the warm side.. you're probably going to want to remove any silver in the speaker cables.. the Personas don't need any help from what silver brings to the table..
The Anthem STR appears to be a bargain-potent amp, good DAC, with ARC.
Are your STR integrated recommendations based on hearing them actually drive the Persona 3fs?
Also thanks OEM for the advice on cabling. Any specific cables you recommend, or “warm” amps?
I have extensive experience with the STR seperates and preamp on 3Fs.  I’d say around 400 hours.

Don’t waste time or money worrying about cables now.  Literally the least important aspect of a system, no matter what anyone on here says.